
Los Conservadores del Sur de la Florida ya nos organizamos ! UMAP NEWS USA

Ya se empieza a mover el "Miami Tea Party"., Los conservadores del Sur de La Florida comenzaremos a organizarnos :

El proximo 30 de Mayo tendremos un "picnic basket" a partir del mediodia, ahi tendremos la oportunidad de intercambiar telefonos, conocernos e integrarnos a nuestras redes de internet.

"UMAP NEWS" y "VILLA GRANADILLO" por supuesto que estaremos presentes.

El 4 de Julio tendremos "una demostracion" en las esquinas de la 87 Avenida del South West y la Cuarenta Calle (Bird Road), a partir de las 2:00 p.m., los esperaremos con sus banderas, su patriotismo y letreros que reflejen nuestros valores y principios conservadores por USA.

El 14 de Noviembre, Sabado, en el James L. Knight Center, tendremos "La Primera Convencion Anual de los Conservadores del Sur de La Florida", las entradas se podran adquirir a partir del mes de Junio llamando al Sr. Marcos Sendon al (305) 303-1616 o escribiendo al e-mail : editor@sflaconservative.com

Tambien pueden entrar a nuestra pagina :


"UMAP NEWS" Un medio cibernetico, en manos ciudadanas, al servicio del digno exilio cubano, tambien se une al MIAMI TEA PARTY !

Emilio Izquierdo Jr.
UMAP NEWS Miami Florida
(305) 345-4927

A continuacion comunicacion oficial recibida en UMAP NEWS directamente del organizador del MIAMI TEA PARTY, nuestro amigo Marcos Sendon :

Hello Everybody,

Well, we have been working hard behind the scenes. Now it's time to roll put the next phase in the resurgence of the conservative movement. We have some new articles up on the website. Be sure to check them out and refer them to friends.

We have formally incorporated into a non profit 527 organization. We are now in a position to accept members and donations. There are a number of very exciting events we are planning I want to make you aware of:

- SflaConservative Picnic, May 30 at Tropical Park. Beginning at noon, bring your family and a picnic basket. This is a social event designed for conservatives to get to know each other, exchange phone number and network amongst ourselves.

- 4th of July Tea Party, when it comes to celebrating our nation's independence, it's time for another party. We will be assembling at the intersection of SW 87 Ave and Bird road at 2:00 pm. As before, bring your flags. Make sure if you bring a sign to have it reflect conservative values and principles. Make sure to pass the word among your friends and family. make sure to let those who may have missed out on the last tea party. Our goal is to continue to oppose wreckless spending,oppressive taxation and the transformation from capitalism.

- 1st Annual SflaConservative Convention, we are very proud to bring you this incredible event that will bring together members not just from our area, but from other parts of the state and the country. We have assembled the cream of conservative speakers to address our growing movement. The event will be held at the James L. Knight Center on Saturday, November 14th. Tickets sales will commence in June. However, we do have pre-sale VIP packages available now. Drop me an email or call 305 303 1616 to reserve your package. Remember seating is limited.

There are other events in the works. With your support we will continue to rally conservatives and be in the position to make a significant contribution to the 2010 election cycle. I look forward to continuing the hard work that is before us. God bless you and God bless our Republic.

Stout Hearts,

Marcos Sendon
Editor, www.sflaconservative.com

"I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it."
- Thomas Jefferson

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