
Obama retira de su pagina el apoyo recibido del nuevo partido panteras negras

New Black Panther Party Supports Obama?


It looks like Mr. Obama has another “old uncle” in his attic:


Apparently anyone can join the MyBarackObama network and create their own page.

And certainly no candidate can handpick who his supporters are. But does he have to allow them to advertise on his website?

From Wikipedia:

New Black Panther Party

The New Black Panthers or New Black Panther Party (NBPP), whose formal name is the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, is a U.S.-based black supremacist organization founded in Dallas, Texas in 1989…

The NBPP attracted many breakaway members of the Nation of Islam when former NOI minister Khalid Abdul Muhammad became the national chairman of the group from the late 1990s until his death in 2001. The NBPP is currently led by Malik Zulu Shabazz, and still upholds Khalid Abdul Muhammad as the de facto father of their movement…

Although it says it sees capitalism as the fundamental problem with the world and “revolution” as the solution, the new party does not draw its influences from Marxism or Maoism as the original party did. Instead, in a carefully-worded, roundabout form of ethnic nationalism, they say that Marx himself based his ideology and teachings on indigenous African cultures, and that the NBPP therefore need not look to Marxism or Maoism as a basis for their program, but can look to ideologies that stem directly from those African origins. The NBPP says it fights the oppression of black and brown people and that its members are on top of current issues facing black communities across the world. Also, it points to not all of its members being NOI, though the group acknowledges universal “spirituality” practices within the organization…

Members have referred to “bloodsucking Jews”, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad “has blamed slavery and even the Holocaust on the ‘hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating, perpetrating-a-fraud, so-called Jew’.”

Khalid Abdul Muhammad in his statement [said] that “there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes.” …

But maybe Mr. Obama has not heard the “New Black Panthers” say anything untoward.

Or perhaps he thinks we need to understand where they are coming from.

(Thanks to Zilla for the heads up.)


What a surprise!

From Fox News:


Obama Campaign Removes New Black Panther Party Endorsement From Web Site

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Barack Obama’s campaign has removed an endorsement by the New Black Panther Party from its Web site, one day after the Illinois senator delivered a speech calling for improved race relations in America.

“The page in question has been removed from our campaign Web site,” Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor told FOXNews.com after inquiries about the endorsement. “It’s our policy with any content generated by a group that advocates violence.” …

Thomas Lifson (of the great American Thinker) and I were going to start a countdown clock to see how long this took.

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